Are you sure your business is visible on Facebook?
Facebook Ads
- Effective targeting
- Interaction with the target audience
- Conversion and statistics monitoring
- Branding
- Direct feedback
- Efficient cost control
- Costs lower than Google Ads
Ești sigur că afacerea ta e vizibilă pe Facebook?
Facebook Ads
- Targetare eficientă
- Interacțiune cu publicul țintă
- Monitorizare conversii și statistici
- Branding
- Feedback direct
- Control eficient costuri
- Costuri mai mici decât pentru Google AdWords.
Facebook ADS
Why advertise with Facebook Ads?
- You can target psycho-socio-demographic users
- There are over 10 million accounts in Romania and 3.5 billion worldwide
- You find the audience similar to your current customers
- You stay in touch with your fans
- You can promote important statuses for your business
- Complex retargeting strategies, for those who were on your site.
It is said that if you are not on Facebook, you do not exist! We agree with this phrase and we want to emphasize the importance of a correctly created Facebook page that puts the value of each business and the services or products offered. Through Facebook Ads, we give you better visibility of your page, offer, or site to potential customers. Targets are advanced, your ad reach can be estimated from the campaign setting. We offer full promotional services with the Facebook Ads platform.
Request our offer!
Oferta pentru serviciile noastre o puteti cere acum!
“We are very pleased with our collaboration with One Digital, otherwise we would not have been going together for years. Thanks to their professionalism, we have been collaborating for 4 years and hope to continue for a long time now.”
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